Balfour Infant School

How we promote British Values at Balfour Infant School


We actively promote fundamental British Values through our school curriculum, our Belonging to Balfour document, school policies and through the ethos of the school.



To begin to develop our children’s respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process.

We give children a voice through participation in regular Class Councils, Circle Times and completing annual questionnaires.

Elections of School Council are held three times a year. Children are involved in a democratic election process.

Class Council and School Council agendas are led by the children and are initially fed from the results of the annual children’s questionnaire.

Through the PHSE curriculum we teach children to make their own decisions which may vary from their friends.

Through the PHSE curriculum we teach children about People Who Help us. This extends to school community as well as to roles outside of school e.g. doctors, police, fire service etc.


The Rule of Law

To begin to develop respect and understanding for the need for rules and laws to enable people to function together in a community and society as a whole.

We consistently apply Golden Rules in all aspects of school life which adults constantly model.

 For children to understand that the rules are there to keep everyone happy and safe.

For the school behaviour policy to be fair and consistently applied in all aspects of school life so that children can understand the consequences of their individual choices and how their decisions can impact on others.

Through Conflict Resolution children know that they have a voice and that they have a right not be a victim as well as taking full responsibility for their actions as a perpetrator. Victims choose what the consequences will be for the perpetrator.

Children will have a good understanding of what is right and what is wrong.


Individual Liberty

To begin to support and respect the liberties of all within the law.

Through the PHSE curriculum and the general ethos of the school the children are encouraged to develop their self-awareness.

At our school we believe that all of our children should build their self-esteem and we do this through enabling children to see the progress that they are making, involving them in their own target setting, supporting their personal, social and moral development and to take full responsibility for the choices that they make whilst in school.

We have a consistently used behaviour and anti-bullying policy. Children are aware of what these mean in school.


Respect and Tolerance

To begin to develop mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Through our RE syllabus and PHSE curriculum children develop an understanding of the range of different cultures and religions in our society.

We celebrate the differences and similarities between us all through our Celebration assemblies, displays on our multi-cultural boards and visitors into school from a variety of cultures and religions.

Children have the opportunity to visit a range of places of worship whilst at Balfour Infants. Parents and children are encouraged by the school to share their cultural richness.

Our children fund raise for others in the local community and enjoy visits to places such as the Balfour Centre and other local venues.


Balfour Infant School, Pattens Lane, Rochester, Kent ME1 2QT
For all general enquiries please contact the School Office
Our Interim Headteacher is Mr J Pomeroy
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr J Pomeroy
For all enquiries relating to SEND please contact our LINC Mrs M Forbes
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr J Pomeroy

Tel: 01634 338280